Penn State librarians co-author book on privacy literacy in academic libraries


Sarah Hartman-Caverly(上)和Alex和ria Chisholm, Berks Thun图书馆的参考和指导馆员, 宾州州立银行, co-authored 在高校图书馆实践隐私素养:理论, 方法, 和案例," published by the 大学和研究图书馆协会 on Oct. 12, 2023.


宾州大学公园. ——十大正规赌博平台大全两位图书管理员编辑的一本新书, 莎拉·哈特曼-卡弗利和亚历山大·奇泽姆, collects practical ways 为 academic librarians to incorporate privacy literacy into their instruction 和 practice. 在高校图书馆实践隐私素养:理论, 方法, 《赌博平台大全》出版于 大学和研究图书馆协会 (ACRL. 12.

Hartman-Caverly 和 Chisholm, both reference 和 instruction librarians at 伯克图恩图书馆,十大正规赌博平台大全伯克, created the book 为 other librarians who are interested in privacy issues 和 how to integrate them into their teaching 和 librarianship.

隐私并没有消亡, 哈特曼-卡弗利和奇泽姆说 — students care deeply about their privacy 和 the rights it safeguards. They need a way to articulate their concerns 和 guidance on how to act within the complexity of the current in为mation ecosystem 和 culture of surveillance capitalism.

“We were inspired by findings from studies we conducted showing that academic librarians saw privacy as an important topic to explore with students, but faced numerous barriers to developing a privacy literacy practice, 包括缺少时间, 资源, 和支持,哈特曼-卡弗里说. “这是我们研究的自然进展, this volume is the first book-length examination of privacy literacy practices across all academic library functions. We want the book to provide a record of privacy literacy practices in academic libraries at their time of emergence.”

Although privacy has long been a central part of professional ethics in libraries, 近年来,它已经获得了突出的地位, Hartman-Caverly说. Its interdisciplinary nature connects it with many knowledge domains 和 issues facing higher 教育, including debates surrounding student health 和 academic integrity monitoring during the coronavirus p和emic, 和 the more recent emergence of generative AI 和 its reliance on user-generated content 为 model 培训. 数据收集的不同影响, profiling 和 surveillance also aligns privacy ef为ts with diversity, 股本, 包容, 访问和归属倡议, 她说.

“We would like to position library workers to be campus 和 societal thought leaders on privacy issues,她补充道。. “Soon after our own privacy literacy teaching 和 research collaboration started in 2018, 美国图书馆协会修订了 图书馆权利法案 to add article VII, which directly calls on libraries to educate about privacy. 在我们写书的时候, privacy literacy was recognized as an exp和ing literacy in the ACRL’s 2021 ACRL环境扫描. 我们还获得了 ACRL指导组创新奖 为我们的 Digital Shred隐私扫盲计划 in 2021.”

The book is divided into four sections to help academic librarians center their practices on the people behind the data 和 on the ethics of library work: (1) What is 隐私 Literacy? (2) Protecting 隐私, (3) Educating about 隐私, 和 (4) Advocating 为 隐私. Chapters cover topics including privacy literacy frameworks; digital wellness; embedding a privacy review into digital library workflows; using privacy literacy to challenge price discrimination; privacy pedagogy; 和 promoting privacy literacy 和 positive digital citizenship through credit-bearing courses, 课外学习的伙伴关系, 以及教师发展和继续教育计划. 这本书提供了丰富的理论知识, practical ways to incorporate privacy literacy into library instruction 和 other areas of academic library practice, 哈特曼-卡弗利和奇泽姆说.

十大正规赌博平台大全的其他图书馆员也贡献了部分内容. 艾米丽·罗斯,商务图书管理员 Madlyn L. 十大正规赌博平台大全哈里斯堡分校的哈内斯图书馆, wrote an invited chapter based on her work incorporating privacy literacy into business in为mation literacy instruction. Paul McMonigle,工程图书管理员, 工程图书馆和Lori Lysiak,参考和指导馆员 罗伯特E. 十大正规赌博平台大全阿尔图纳分校Eiche图书馆, contributed a chapter on applying privacy literacy in engineering, which added to examples of disciplinary contexts 为 integrating privacy literacy across the curriculum.

在高校图书馆实践隐私素养:理论, 方法, 《赌博平台大全》有印刷版和电子书.

除了他们的获奖 student-facing研讨会的开放教育资源(OERs) ACRL沙箱 和其他责任,哈特曼-卡弗利和奇泽姆提供 继续 教育 研讨会 和 培训 为 同行图书馆工作人员 和 instructors in the disciplines who are interested in integrating privacy literacy concepts 和 practices in their work. Those interested in scheduling a privacy literacy consultation or professional development session, 可以联系Hartman-Caverly (电子邮件保护) or 610-396-6243.